Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mad Men

I just saw this post HERE about Matt Yglesias being wowed by TNC's thought's on how Mad Men doesn't deal with the Civil Rights Movement that is happening in it's time. Which reminded me of THIS POST by me over a year ago EXPLAINING TO BOTH OF THEM why the show wasn't going out of it's way to explain "today, in Civil Rights history!!" while Yglesias and TNC were both scratching their heads about it.

I'm not telling you all this to show you that I'm a shitload smarter than both of them. Nor am I doing so because I have no woman, or children, or real reason to get the fuck out of bed in the morning; rather, I am telling you this to show you that I'm a shitload smarter than both of them.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dam-Bamm, your'e good.