Thursday, September 30, 2010


I'm on record many times on these pages as saying that McDonald's should be running the county, so when I read that they're threatening to cut their health insurance plan for 30,000 workers, I clench up and think "oh shit."

But then you see the actual plan:

I mean, it's nice that McDonald's is offering something while most fast-food restaurants don't, but let's not pretend they're being Mother Teresa here, especially considering most of their workers at these restaurants are teenagers who

1) are generally more healthy than older people
2) would rather pocket that $14 anyway
3) can, thanks to the very health reform McDonald's is railing against, be under their parents' health insurance up to the age of 26.

So I feel McDonald's is playing a bit of poker here, and it'd be a shame for the government to not call their bluff.

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