Friday, September 10, 2010

People Have the Power!!! (Just Kidding, They're Still Idiots)

Thinkprogress points out that on the very website the GOP is pretending to "listen to the people," the people are clamoring to “stop the outsourcing of jobs from America to other countries that do not pay taxes into the U.S. and stop the tax breaks that are given to these companies that are outsourcing.” In other words, things the Democrats have repeatedly brought up that have been shot down by Republicans.

Of course, the foolishness comes from Thinkprogress wondering if the GOP will "listen to the people" on this one. I'd imagine it's gonna go more like this:

The People: so yeah, it'd be great if you could vote so that those jobs and tax money comes back here.
Republican: nah.
The People
: but...I haven't worked in over a year. My wife too.
Republican: nah.
The People: we live in a van with our 4 kids down by the river.
Republican: (exasperated) look, what if you found yourself next week as the CEO of one of those multi-billion dollar companies overseas? How'd you like it then if President Osama demands you send some of that hard-earned money back so he can re-distribute it?!!?!?
The People
: oh my god, you're so right!!
Republican: also, I'm taking your van. Gonna melt it down for gold.
The People: (tearing up) My God, you're a great American.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

His truth is marching on.