Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Power Of Awesome, Brave, Lone Men

Earlier this week Jim DeMint decided he was gonna try to single-handedly shut down the US Senate, and now this complete jerkoff has decided to stop $1.5B in US Aid from going to Haiti because he's decided he doesn't wanna spend $5M over five years to staff 7 people to oversee the aid.
While Coburn continues to hold up much-needed reconstruction aid over a relatively meaningless objection, “just 2 percent of [Haiti's earthquake] rubble has been cleared and 13,000 temporary shelters have been built – less than 10 percent of the number planned.” There are estimated to be 1.3 million Haitians still homeless as a result of the earthquake.
I'd ask you to wonder how quickly this money would go through Coburn if it was marked "for white guys to buy more yachts," but I think we all know what the answer would be.

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