Thursday, September 09, 2010

Road House

(Tilghman walks in the office, where Dalton is neatly sewng stitches for his shoulder wound)
Tilghman: I need the best.
Dalton: Wade Garrett's the best.
Tilghman: Wade Garrett's getting oId.
Dalton: He's still the best.
Tilghman: I want you.
Dalton: Cash up front. $200 a night, cash. You pay all medicaI expenses.
Tilghman: I can Iive with that.

I've always liked that Dalton decides to use the exact moment he's sewing up his own wound to play hardball with the owner and demand he pay medical expenses. Dalton must be hell in the board room, right? I'm surprised the owner didn't immediately toss a spool of thread to him and say "knock yourself out," and then explain that there's a Nigerian prince who is looking to wire $4M into Dalton's account, all he needs is his checking routing number.

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