Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Shaking Things Up. Oh, But Not Really.

This guy HERE:
But there’s a lot more to politics beyond elections, and this is where the Tea Parties may find themselves quickly co-opted: after November, legislation and policy will once again be the focus, with journals and think tanks shaping the “conservative” agenda....Not only are Fox News, the Weekly Standard, and AEI going to be defining the program for whatever Republicans get elected in November, but successful Tea Party candidates will for the most part have to draw upon the same pool of staffing talent that all the other Republicans draw upon, a reservoir composed of cadres of political professionals who live to build careers and sidle up to power, not to shake things up in Washington.
Echoing exactly what I wrote HERE a week or so ago re: how laughable it is that the Tea Party is going to "shake things up" once elected and in DC.

All of a sudden, Xmastime/Marley 2012 seems more inevitable, don't it?


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