Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Sniffy is About to Go Grizzly on Vanity Fair's Ass

According to this Vanity Fair article Sniffy Wiffy is a monster:
During the campaign, Palin lashed out at the slightest provocation, sometimes screaming at staff members and throwing objects. Witnessing such behavior, one aide asked Todd Palin if it was typical of his wife. He answered, “You just got to let her go through it… Half the stuff that comes out of her mouth she doesn’t even mean.” When a campaign aide gingerly asked Todd whether Sarah should consider taking psychiatric medication to control her moods, Todd responded that she “just needed to run and work out more.” Her anger kept boiling over, however, and eventually the fits of rage came every day. Then, just as suddenly, her temper would be gone. Palin would apologize and promise to be nicer. Within hours, she would be screaming again. At the end of one long day, when Palin was mid-tirade, a campaign aide remembers thinking, “You were an angel all night. Now you’re a devil. Where did this come from?”
On one hand, it's genuinely frightening that had McCain won we would be sitting here with a President and Vice-President who have the personality of babies, throwing temper tantrums when they don't get their way.  On the other hand, in this age of YouTube et al, I'm wondering how this famous temper has not found it's way on camera, other than her rolling her eyes at a teacher.

On my third hand (heh heh heh), I appreciate that The Sniffcat is as self-aware as she is:
The friend elaborated on this last point: “Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonight.’ That’s how she rolls.”
My dick is officially pointing towards the North Star.

Nom nom nom!!!!

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