Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sniffy, We're Worried!! Call Us!!!

Sniffy's Facebook writers seem to be having trouble coming up with the words to break the world record for maudlin, over-emotional faux-sentimentalizing of 9/11. They seem to have writer's block - are they worried their histrionic fakeness won't reach the dizzying heights we've become accustomed to?

Guys, guys, you're trying too hard...crystal blue Tuesday morning, tears of a nation, freedom, troops, more freedom, brave troops, fill in the rest with some words and BLAMMO! The Sniffy Tearjerk Special!

I'll keep you updated as soon as she's got her inevitable stupid post up; in the meantime, you can still roll your eyes:
It's silly enough that Sniffy feels the need to top the next guy by fetishizing a site where a tragedy occurred by calling it "hallowed ground," but someone needs to explain to me why the fuck she cares what goes there anyway, since according to her NYC isn't "real America" anyway. Mama Grizzlies and brave patriots don't live in NYC, French-loving elitists devil-worshippers do. 3,000 non-real Americans were killed on 9/11. She should be thrilled.

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