Friday, September 10, 2010

Wacca Macca Cracka

McCartney was the first British pop star to openly admit using LSD, in an interview in the now-defunct "Queen" magazine. His admission was followed by a TV interview in the UK on ITN on 19 June 1967, and when McCartney was asked about his admission of LSD use, he said:
I was asked a question by a newspaper, and the decision was whether to tell a lie or tell him the truth. I decided to tell him the truth ... but I really didn't want to say anything, you know, because if I had my way I wouldn't have told anyone. I'm not trying to spread the word about this. But the man from the newspaper is the man from the mass medium. I'll keep it a personal thing if he does too, you know ... if he keeps it quiet. But he wanted to spread it so it's his responsibility, you know, for spreading it, not mine.
All week long during this ridiculous Florida Koran burning thing I've kept going back to this McCartney moment. One fucking jagoff in a field does not a global story make - hey, if some religions saw what I do in my own room with YouPorn and a tub of Country Crock believe me, there'd be some fucking riots.

And the fact that the goddam President is not only forced to comment on it but has to AGAIN remind us that yes, he's a Christian, is just fucking embarrassing. How many times are we gonna fall for this shit? Media finds something absurd and then throws it out there and cries "oh, the troops, what about the troops!?!?!?" while we panic and run around into circles running into each other pissing ourselves.

Meanwhile, the media laughs it's head off at us, cackling it's head off at it's ratings boost and scouring the country for the next Reverand Shithead. The only question at this point is what Andrew Breitbart has cooking that will top this, and how much of a panicked little schoolgirl coutry we'll react to it.

For fuck's sake.


Marley said...

Ha ha.

Forced to comment on it.

What exactly prohibited him from saying, "You know, if you keep making news of every guy threatening to burn a book . . . "

But no.

Obama is cattle.


Xmastime said...

i dont even disagree with you, but the fact he has to say anything is pretty amazing. and you know once it gets to that point, "no comment" is a welcome to spin to oblivion. its a lose-lose.