Wednesday, September 22, 2010

When the Right Filibuster's It's Own Ideals

I can understand Republicans filibustering to prevent some leftist commie pinko-faggot like ME getting what I want, but THIS GUY HERE asks why they seem fine filibustering what THEY THEMSELVES want:
You may have missed it, but after railing against defense cuts and runaway spending, Senate Republicans united on Tuesday afternoon to kill a plan that would have strengthened the military and saved taxpayers billions....The Dream Act is in keeping with three central tenets of the Tea Party/Republican platform -- love of military, loathing of deficits, and loyalty to federalism. Sadly, Senate Republicans let rank politics and xenophobia carry the day -- again.
The answer is, of course, it's better theater for their base that they "shake things up" by stomping their feet rather than quietly getting shit done that their base actually claims to want.

Many, many years ago I went over to a lady friend's apartment for the night and was planning a night of hardcore pig-fucking  romance. As I lay in her bed keeping my erection by fingering my own asshole  with a rose clenched between my teeth I grew more and more annoyed that she was out in the living room clowning around with her roommates, and when she finally came to bed and announced her scent I rolled over on my side and gave her the cold shoulder, closing the store for the night. To which she, of course, merely shrugged and went to sleep. And here we are all these years later and I'm still like "wait, what?"


Anonymous said...

Can you do a Clinton impression?

Anonymous said...

git'r done, dagnabbit.