Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wonder Years

Maybe it's my 20th high school reunion coming up that's got me all nostalgic, or listening to Sister Christian and Oh Sheree, but I've spent tonight spinning the 1985 summer-before-8th-grade hits. Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam? Really? I don't think Life in a Northern Town came out for a few months; I always associate it with the Challenger explosion, which would be January of '86, although that don't make it factually correct (the song, not the explosion.)

That summer was hot as hell, and I do remember reading Le Morte d'Arthur for the first time (I imagined the whole thing played out on our Intermediate School track, and the gym was Camelot), but one superslice from then that I still fucking love is Billy Ocean's Loverboy. Which, apparently, took place in the cantina scene from Star Wars. Wtf? Sliiiiiiice!!

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