Monday, October 04, 2010

The 10 Unluckiest People

THIS is a great list, but this guy to me is the winner:
The most unbelievable of all stories about bad luck, this one dates back to 1883. When Henry Ziegland broke up with his girlfriend, she was tormented enough to commit suicide. Her enraged brother drove to Ziegland’s place and put a bullet through him, and then took his own life with the same gun. Little did he know that the bullet had brushed past Ziegland and had lodged itself in the tree behind him. Lucky as hell, won’t you say? Unfortunately, the same fate turned against him as, some years later, he decided to take that tree down. He blew it up with dynamite, and the explosion sent the stuck bullet zooming into Ziegland’s head, finally killing its designated target. 

1 comment:

Gina said...

that's all folks!