Sunday, October 03, 2010

The Cos

It seems the Universe is actually paying attention to me, since I've been obsessed even more than usual with Bill Cosby all week, and then this morning I turn on the tv and the classic of all classics Bill Cosby: Himself is on. Aka the only time I saw my dad laugh out loud.

Also, his "same thing happens every night" riff reminds me of the fact that when I was a kid, I couldn't go to sleep without my daily whuppin' :)


Kiko Jones said...

Words cannot describe...does this part go into the football story?

Gina said...

Fond memories.

My dad used to impersonate Cos way back in the 60s. There were 5 of us and i just loved the chocolate cake for breakfast story. Recently I tried to give my Dad chocolate chocolate cake for breakfast and he got it...

A fond memory as he is on dialysis now and needs his protein. CC has EGGS.