Friday, October 29, 2010


I guess Sniffy is pissed off that someone brought up Joe Miller's military service during a debate.
During the contentious debate earlier this week, Murkowski asked Miller, "What would your instructors, what would your classmates at West Point say about how well you have lived up to your code of honor?"

But at the rally Thursday night, Palin indicted the "lame-stream media" for not fully conveying Miller's record of military service.

"I read his resumé, I read his accomplishments, I read his passion for America and I think, 'Are we even fit to tie his combat boots?'" she asked. "You are not getting the truth from the left, and you are not getting the truth from the lame-stream media about the real Joe Miller," she added, noting Miller served in the Gulf War and was awarded a Bronze Star."
Perfectly valid, since I'm sure she pitched a shit-fit when John Kerry's military service was swift-boated.

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