Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween. Sexy Because of Gays!

The "Halloween is an excuse for chicks to release their inner sluts" memé has become as old and tired as Halloween being an excuse for chicks to release their inner sluts, but THIS ARTICLE HERE gives us a little history, and gives credit for this movement's start to the gays.

Thanks, gays!!! :)

I guess that squares us on the whole "why 9/11 happened" thing.

Also, I feel like this is the first Halloween I've noticed businesses posting "Holiday Hours." Wtf? This seems odd, no? "Please respect our employees need to get off in time to go home, change into their Ultra-Sexy Laura Ingalls as prairie slut costume and pass out candy corn to little fuckwads while guzzling enough Jaegar to make them forget that Half-Pint would never, EVER do a threesome with Almonzo and Nels." But then, what the fuck do I know - all I did on a cold Saturday morning a quarter of a century ago as a 7th grader was wander into the wrong math contest that was meant for people in college and STILL kicked everybody's ass, so why should you listen to little ol' me?

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