Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Sully

Sully is taking today to celebrate a decade of blogging. At first the idea of a blog existing since 2000 seems inconceivable, but hell, Brothatime!! started the short-lived Muddygut all the way back in December of 2002, so hey (obviously Muddygut only hit it's stride when I was invited to join a month or so later hahahah.) But there's something about still marching on after ten years that's amazing; we've all seen EXCITING!  NEW!  THIS ONE'S GONNA BE AWESOME! blogs pop up all the time, only to fade away quickly as the writer gets bored/lazy.

Obviously I've linked to him a billion times, so I have an opinion on him as a blogger, so I will say that his greatest strength is his fluidity in being able to change his opinion once his knowledge of the facts have changed. In a world where the newest de riguer is to batten down the hatches and double down on being wrong since nobody ever gets called on their bullshit anymore, it's always refreshing to see Sully point out when he's been wrong and then self-correct.

Of course, even better is he has the best laugh in tv - there's nothing better than when he gets set off cackling on Bill Maher's New Rules  :)

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