Tuesday, October 05, 2010

It Gets Better

Maybe I was just oblivious but I don't remember a lot of bullying going on back in my high school, and I certainly can't even imagine it reaching such heights as to propel kids to kill themselves, so I'm glad that Dan Savage's It Gets Better project is up and running. Whenever I see an article about it I'm reminded of THIS KID and what his stepbrother said after reading his suicide note:
As you'd expect from any documentary about a 15 year-old that commits suicide as filmed by his mother, this was brutally depressing. The only part that someone like myself can see as "business as usual" would be the very end, when his older step-brother goes down the laundry list of the kid's suicide note and points out that's how every 15 year-old feels at one time or another, but most don't kill themselves.
Just hang in there, and if Savage's project doesn't work then just wait for my Hey, It Could Be Worse - You Could Be Me!!! series premiere to keep it all in perspective for you.

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