Thursday, October 14, 2010


QUESTION: A United States Senator has the opportunity to determine, in a way, the make up of [the Supreme Court.]  So what opinions, of late, that have come from our high Court do you most object to?
O’DONNELL: Oh, gosh. Give me a specific one, I’m sorry.
QUESTION: Actually, I can’t, because I need you to tell me which ones you object to.
O’DONNELLI’m very sorry.  Right off the top of my head I know that there are a lot but I’ll put it up on my website, I promise you.
I gotta give Lil' Sniffs some credit here. It would never occur to me to answer a question in a debate with "I'll put it up on my webste." Wow. But then, I masturbate a lot, so what the hell do I know?.


Anonymous said...


Gina said...

hmm....would have been a good time to call for a potty break with her iphone. App