Friday, October 29, 2010

A New Low in the Search for Stupidity

Tom whatshisface, making absolutely no sense:
TANCREDO: It is an attitude that you see all the time. Yes, I spent 10 years in Congress. I could certainly see it there. There is a sort of an elitist idea that seeps into the head of a lot of people who get elected. And they begin to think of themselves as, really, there for only one purpose and that is to make laws. And why would you make laws? Well, because you know, better than anybody else what to do.
Of course this is just the latest, lowest attempt to patronize incredibly stupid people for whom the word "elite" has come to mean "somebody who might be smarter than a mouth-breathing, illiterate dumbfuck like myself, which means eff them since it's very important to only let people as dumb as me run the country so I can feel good about myself."

YES, lawmakers are supposed to try to...MAKE LAWS. And yes, I would like to presume that any member of Congress is better at making laws than, say, Zippy the night clerk at Wal-Mart, or myself.  I suppose if Joe the Plumber would show up at Tancredo's ouse to fix his toilet, Trancedo would be indignant re: "who does this guy think he is?!?!?!?!"

The very people dipshit here is trying to land political "who do they think they are, even though I was once one of them, and of course tried to run for president, and would do anything in my power to become one of them again!" points with should be the ones greatly offended he is assuming they're so stupid, but of course shit like that works on the people who fall for the "government is worthless, vote me in!" crowd. I think that if-.....heeeey, wait a minute. Turns out Tancredo is part of the "get paid to do nothing gang":
Similarly, many Republicans running for Congress are actively pushing the idea of a government shutdown if they don’t get what they want. Powerful Tea Party-allied Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) even said recently, “This idea that government has to do something is not a good idea. So I think the less we do, the better.”
Dude. Nobody's more of a lazy fucker than me. And am I seeing that I can get paid $169,300 a year for not only DOING nothing, but DOING NOTHING IS WHY PEOPLE WOULD VOTE FOR ME??? For $169K???!!?!?

I'm Xmastime. I'm running for Congress on the GOP ticket. Vote for me, and I promise not to get out of bed for two years. I was gonna approve this ad, but I just told you, I ain't doing shit!  You're welcome!

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