Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Of Course.

Joe Miller, who is famous mostly for declaring that unemployment benefits are unconstitutional, admits his wife received unemployment benefits:
After leaving my office Kathleen did receive unemployment benefits for a short period of time.
I also give him kudos for thinking that in spite of presenting himself as a Constitutional expert who demands strict adherence to the document, it's okay to go astray of it if it's "for a short period of time."

You'd think his own wife having to collect unemployment would signal to Miller "gee, I guess it really can happen to anybody, maybe it's a nice thing to have set up for people who just temporarily find themselves completely fucked...maybe it's not all just lazy fucking niggers  people abusing the system." But of course this doesn't cross his mind, since "unconstitutional", "wasteful" government spending is only the right thing to do if it's your own snout stuck in the trough.

The very definition of selfishness.

The hypocrisy of these people is like BASIC programming, isn't?

10 Come out swinging that xyz is against everything you and America stands for
20 Whoops! Turns out you into xyz yourself
30 Goto 10
40 RUN

Or some shit like that; I can't remember - what the fuck am I, Raymond Whitaker?
Oh, and I had computer class, that was a waste. We had 2 computers I think they got from Food Lion or something. This was 1987, and the class was "Basic." We learned how to turn the units on and off, how to insert a floppy disk, and the ol?

20 GOTO 10
30 RUN

and then we'd squeal with glee as our name would be printed over and over. Wow. These lessons took up the first 2 days of class; what the hell we did the other 178 days of class I have no fucking idea. What was great was the teacher was Mr. Whitaker, who was the varsity basketball coach. This would seem natural, right? Computers hit the school for the first time ever - the future of mankind, the greatest technological achievement of our lifetimes, and who do they get to "teach" it? The basketball coach. Basketball, computer science, what's the difference. One time in class Tommy Waters, who was, to say it nicely, never under suspicion of being the manliest dude in the room, pitched a fit. "We never learn anything! You haven't taught us a thing, we never do anything in here! I'm going to report you to the school board!!" to which Coach replies "go ahead, I need the publicity." This man was also our trigonometry teacher, another baffling choice. We had a guy in our trig class Brian, who was a math whiz. Every time there was a test or a quiz Brian would be the first to turn his in, and we?d all take a break and watch Coach grading Brian's paper at his desk. He'd get out his answer key and start checking Brian's answers. You could see him going down the page with each problem: number one, check, number two, check, number three...now his head would go from Brian's paper to his answer key, then back to Brian's paper, then he'd take his eraser out, change the answer he had in his answer key to whatever answer Brian had, and move on. Unreal.

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