Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shaking Head. As Per Usual.

Jonathan Chait HERE:
In 1993, conservatives unanimously predicted that Bill Clinton's tax increase on incomes over $200,000 would slow growth, reduce tax revenues, and likely cause a recession. Instead, of course, the economy boomed and revenue skyrocketed. Then George W. Bush cut upper-bracket tax rates, and conservatives predicted that this would cause the economy to grow even faster. Instead, the economy experienced the first business cycle where income was lower at the peak of the business cycle than it had been at the peak of the previous business cycle. It is rare that events so utterly repudiate an economic theory. None of this evidence has penetrated the conservative mind to the slightest degree. 
It's hard to even imagine a clearer "X worked incredibly well, Y was a complete fucking disaster, so we should choose X" guide to how to play any possible scenario; there's no football coach in the country that would last more than one game if he didn't follow that exact playbook. And yet here we are with Republicans demanding to choose Y, and Americans by the millions cheering them on. Even pointed out in black and white like this, these people demand to be suckered by idiots like Eric Cantor.

It's a shame the Republicans are such a complete disaster for the country, since when it comes to shit like this they're amazing at what they do. They could convince Ellen Degeneres she needs to buy dick licorice.

If only one night while we're all sleeping the Republicans and Democrats could pull a Kekich/Peterson wife swap and completely trade ideologies. The Earth would be 2 degrees cooler, we'd be the healthiest country in the world and cars would be fueled by pictures of rainbows and puppies. Instead, not only are we headed for disaster, but we are out & out DEMANDING it. Whack.

SIDE NOTE: almost used doo-doo instead of rainbows, but hey. Life is about choices.

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