Friday, October 01, 2010

Vegetables (and I Don't Just Mean Republican "Brains")(zzzzinzgah!)

Some asshole named Paul Broun:
BROUN: I tell ya, we’ve got some new problems in Washington. Big problems. Just today, Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta said people in America are not eating enough fruits and vegetables. They want to give all the power to the federal government to force you to eat more fruits and vegetables. This is what the federal, CDC, they gonna be calling you to make sure you eat fruits and vegetables, every day. This is socialism of the highest order! 
Obviously this guy is just being willfully retarded to appease stupid voters, but the sad irony is that we actually would be a lot better off if the gub'ment DID force us to eat more vegetables. Spending half the money we do on subsidizing corn syrup walking up to people's houses and handing them baskets of vegetables is hardly the unimaginable evil hell Im guessing some would have it portrayed; but then, that's a step too close towards European socialism, which of course is a worse alternative to our God-given American right to make sure our hearts explode into ribbons at as early an age as possible (and ironically costing taxpayers more.) The ol' "you can't fire me, I quit!!!" as a national credo, I suppose.

Hell, remember, I like vegetables more than you would think.

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