Monday, October 11, 2010

Well. This Makes Almost No Sense at All.

Converse opening free recording studio in Williamsburg:
Well, now Converse is stepping up their effort to remain in with the hip music crowd by opening a recording studio in Williamsburg.

Rubber Tracks will serve as a catalyst for originality by giving new and emerging bands the opportunity to record their songs in a high-quality studio setting. Musicians of all genres will be able to apply in advance for a time to use the studio – for free. As in no cost.
Obviously, recording music's now for fags.

Me, you ask? Oh, I likes to hit a few rounds in my Chucks. But you already knew this.

Here's me reflecting on my latest trip to the links. Could I have used my wedge on the 6th? Who can say, really? I'm not bright enough to remove stickers from my clothes, what the fuck do you want from me?

Either someone just opened up a fresh sleeve of SnackWells or I'm tripping over some kid. Oh, fuck that little shit anyway.

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