Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Xmastime Hath Decreed.

I'm officially rooting for the Giants to win the World Series.

First of all, fuck Cliff Lee. Yes, he's become Mr. Postseason, but I'm sick of hearing about how he's Matthewson x Beckett x Sandy fucking Koufax x that fucking kid in the movie where he has some weird bionic arm and Gary Busey was his (surprise) creepy coach on the Cubs.  And fuck that dumbass wife of his too. Yeah, I'm sure when he sees that the Yankees will pay him about $50 billion more than any other shitkicker team he'll turn them down since some fans were spilling beer around his whore wife. Yes, when you're the starting pitcher's wife, I'm sure the Yankees stick you in the middle of some goddam toga party of fucking schlubs in the bleachers. Fuck you; you'll probably be watching the games from a goddam space shuttle carved out of fucking gold. No no, I'm sure he'll go to the Royals for fucking $12 an hour so his wife can sit in the stands with nice people playing fucking canasta or some dumb shit. Maybe they'll put together a fucking comedy improv group. Fuck you!

And fuck Josh Hamilton too - I hope someone slips some goddam booze into his O'Douls so he goes fucking bananas and ass-rapes Cliff fucking Lee in front of his fucking kids.

Mostly, I want the Giants to win for this guy.

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