Thursday, October 07, 2010

Xmastime's Endorsements.

I agree with whoever the fuck this guy is.

For Perez Hilton to try and capitalize on the recent attention given to the bullying of gay kids by trying to shroud himself as the empathetic, tearful, protective champion of these kids would be laughable were it not so fucking offensive considering how we even know this dirtbag even exists. Petty name-calling, snide bullying and outing whatever celebrities he wants to (Lance Bass, anyone?) without showing any of the respect for their privacy that he now pretends to care about is what makes him run 24/7. I'm not a member of the gay community, as some of you grain alcohol-loving ladies from the early 1990s might attest to, but if I was I'd tell this shithead that HE IS PART OF THE FUCKING PROBLEM and to go fuck himself.

This would be like me getting upset over people deriding Sarah Palin as less a formidable American leader and more someone to star in Mama's Grizzly Snatch IV.

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