Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Last Friday HERE I linked to the 50 States, 50 Shows Map, and now the guy who did it has explained his choices.

And HERE he responds to angry feedback, including the righteous indignation over Coach being chosen to represent Minnesota over Mary Tyler Moore. I mean, I loves me some Coach Fox, but camon.
“OH MY GOD!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW IS THE ONLY CHOICE FOR MINNESOTA!!!!!!!!1!!” Usually this was followed by some snide remark about how I was some young whippersnapper.  I do understand the immense popularity of this show and its influence on sit-coms… but yes, I am too young to have seen the show in its first run, and I never caught it on re-runs. So, I made the totally subjective choice of Coach in the original edition, and I now recognize that I am permanently a persona non grata in Minnesota.  Damn you Hayden Fox!

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