Monday, November 15, 2010

Another Blogger

is about to get ripped to shreds by Sniffy for suggesting that she's not actually Pecos Bill-meets-Brad Pitt from A River Runs Through It:
Levi Johnson told Vanity Fair that this self-proclaimed outdoorswoman has lied about her interest in fieldsports and doesn’t actually know one end of a fishing rod from another. 
From this admittedly-short trailer, I would therefore agree with Mr Johnston: the former Governor of Alaska has embellished her outdoorsy credentials, perhaps in an effort to appeal to red-necked portions of the Republican movement.
Yes. That is all quite a shock to everybody, for sure.

But this is what you get when it becomes important for political candidates to fool stupid people into thinking they're "one of them." I'm sure whoever runs in 2016 will be forced to pretend he/she works the fry station at Mickey D's.

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