Monday, November 15, 2010

Big PArty

Hey, whaddya know:

Late last month, President Obama’s commission investigating this summer’s devastating Gulf oil spill found that BP and its contractor Haliburton “knew weeks before the fatal explosion…that the cement mixture they planned to use to seal the bottom of the well was unstable but still went ahead with the job.” 
This is what drives me fucking nuts about the BP spill. Not the dead fish, or how everybody mishandled it, or America's freedom blah blah blah. BP was willing to risk billions for cutting a corner. Would Bill Gates have done that in 1975? No. Can any of these small businesses we pretend to fetishize today afford to do such a thing? No. And why did BP do it? Because they knew that if the thing went tits up, they'd still somehow be okay. And thats the definition of corporate welfare. Which is the OPPOSITE  of a real free market, the "survival of the fittest!" myth (Im on record on Xmastime as being in favor of letting the auto companies fail) we love to propagate, when in fact the opposite is true.

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