Thursday, November 11, 2010


Sully HERE remarks on George Bush's distance from reality:

What has struck me about the book so far - only from its reviews, some excerpts and the TV interview - is ow utterly unchanged Bush is, how unreflective, defensive, and shut down he is to the core challenges of his presidency. How do you launch a war on false grounds that leads to the deaths of 150,000 civilians, destroys America's moral standing, and empowers America's enemy, Iran, and say you'd do it all again? How do you find Kanye West more disgusting than Abu Ghraib?
How do you become a human being so isolated from your own reality?
My question is, why would George Bush give two shits about "reality"? Look, if you were presented with 2 options for how your life would go, which one would you choose?

1) be born into an insanely rich and powerful family, become president and sure, you made mistakes and cost hundreds of people their own lives but thats okay, youre still rich and powerful.


2) the "great American" life of a struggle to pay for college so you can have a better life than your parents, then struggling week to week for your paycheck, losing sleep worrying about your mortgage and how to pay for you kids college etc

Please. You'd choose #1 every day of the week, and thrice on Sunday. This idea that George W. Bush should slink into guilt about not living some sort of noble life of struggle is absurd. Believe me, if he and I both died today, his last thought would be "what an incredible life I had!" and mine would be "well, that was terrible."

The reason people will still be talking about the Kennedys a century from now is that they were a part of the ruling class that tried to act in public service for "the people," and the reason nobody will remember the Bush dynsty a century from now is they were part of the ruling class that tried to act for the ruling class. The joke is that no matter what side they chose, both families stayed a part of the ruling class that was insanely wealthy.

But my point is how much of an exception the Kennedys were rather than the rule; to claim that Bush is some sort of aberration because he couldn't see past his own entitled upbringing is laughable. For every Kennedy, there's a million Bushes. And to wring our hands at how Bush doesn't act differently is to not imagine how we'd act ourselves if we were born into his life. Of course he's clueless about "Main Street America," of course he's not in touch with you or me. Why would he be? And that's good for him, and don't pretend for a split second you wouldn't trade places wih him. The problem isn't that Bush is who he is, the problem is that for some reaon we decided he should run our country...TWICE.

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