Thursday, November 04, 2010


I can't stop watching the Mac's Mom Burns Her House Down episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Besides Charlie & Mac's moms being hysterical, Poppins the dog is fucking killing me. He's Mac's childhood dog that everybody's surprised is still alive as he comes wandering onscreen, filthy and wheezing before slowly settling onto the ground looking like a corpse. Mac swears the dog cannot die, and his eyeball bulges out and you hafta push it back in with a knuckle. Throughout the episode he eats cigarette butts, a bottle of shampoo and an entire bottle of cough syrup that Frank thinks has killed him, and Mac catches him and Dennis throwing Poppins into a trash can.

Mac: What - you threw his body into a trash can?
Frank: What are you gonna do, send him to the moon?

But alas - Mac opens the trash can lid to find the indestructible Poppins eating a fucking diaper. I'm laughing out loud as I type this.

Dennis: Mrs. Mac has a unique and earthy fragrance.
Mrs. Mac: I smell like shit.

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