Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Facebook Freedom

 This guy HERE made the mistake of commenting on Sniffy's Facebook and refuting some of her "data" instead of screaming about how much of a Muslim Obama is or how only Sarah can save the country if she lets God tell her to.

Whether you agree with what he wrote or not, he was certainly very civil and respectful, and you'd think Sniffy would celebrate his having the right to "debate" her thanks to "FREEDOM!", which is the benchmark of "American Exceptionalism."

So of course his comment got deleted. Tout suite. Hmm.

And today, Sniffy finds herself frustrated trying to explain macroeconomics to Obama, who's just not getting it through his thick skull, although I must say in his defense that he only went to one school for his undergraduate degree and she went to five, and if Shel Silverstein taught us anything it's 5 is better than 1, so maybe she's right and Obama should shut the fuck up and listen to her about quantitative easing?

Just looking at the first handful of comments still on the screen "above the fold," here's the kind of comments that Sniffy DOES allow to stay without being deleted. Delightful!

Tyler Lee Campbell I really dunt like Obama he sucks and want make it for a second term luv u mrs palin [or "Sarah" if you're nasty!]
Jason R Jarvis he is such an idiot !!! [ZING!!!!!]
Steve Holland There he go's again.. Lips just a flapping.. And lies just keep falling out... [big, BLACK lips, Steve-o?? BAM! Say, did you know St. Reagan had a phrase like that, "there he go's again"? What an awesome patriot you are, Steve!]
Francisco Ofray God blees Sarah, Husein obama is a cancer agains American. [cancer sux, barack saddam!  we're agains it!!]
William R. Faraci as i am sure everyone knows that man is an IDIOT [NAILed it, Billy!]
Hulon Binkley He is a Muslim and that is their agenda, "DESTROY THE U.S." by what ever means. That has been apparent since he took office... [it's not hard to see, Bink...]
Richard James Sounds to me as if Obama should've taken "Drivers-Ed", or did they offer that in Kenya? [what'd he learn to drive there, Dick - a chicken? BLAMMO! BOOM!]
Mark Scott i guess he ran out of money for his mob again and now wants to print more...but for now can you go all hockey Mom on his stealing a$$ and maybe he will behave like a good little boy....yeah i said little boy becuase he sure aint no man!!! [yowsa!! rimshot, rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat-zap-POW!!!]
Jill Rozier I believe the man has harbored a hidden agenda of ruining America since his childhood and the ignorant masses have given him the opportunity to accomplish his goal. [those people start young, Jill! well, except for swimming.]

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