Friday, November 19, 2010

Ha Ha!! Ron Jeremy!!!!!

David Frum is dumbstruck by Sniffy's choice of a Dutch journalist for the position of "Palin's go-to guy re: the European Debt Crisis":
The president of the European Central Bank? Available.  Any of the governors of the Federal Reserve? At her service. The economics faculties of every university in the United States? Ready to take the next flight to Anchorage. Heads of the bonds desks at every American bank and financial firm? That conversation might have to be conducted by telephone rather than in person, but still easily arranged. Prime ministers of Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Greece? Accessible.

Frankly, it’s hard for me to imagine any expert in any subject who wouldn’t feel it an imperative public duty to talk to Gov. Palin if asked. Instead she turns to a journalist with no formal training in economics and no experience in public finance.

But why is a potential president relying for economic advice on freelance journalists   rather than Nobel Prizewinners? It’s almost as if Gov. Palin finds the idea of expertise – not merely incomprehensible – but actively repugnant.
Smart people like to surround themselves with smart people, but stupid people don't like to be constantly reminded they're not the smartest person in the room. And while this can make for an interesting night at the bar for the nightly "what're you, better 'n me because you went to college?!?!?" umbrage breakout, when actual power is involved this can be a dangerous thing. I already went over this with George W. Bush, so I can't say this is a surprise. And for all we think of him he was about 10x smarter than Sniffy. I look forward to her announcing Ron Jeremy as her Stimulus adviser.


Kiko Jones said...

For the last 30 years or so the GOP has instilled in their followers the idea that intelligence is not only unnecessary but suspect. Sarah Palin's ideals and attitudes towards expertise and knowledge clearly reflect this.

Unknown said...

It seems that Ron Jeremy is fully capable of assuming many worthwhile positions within our federal government. So while we wait for him to be selected for an important governmental posting be sure to check out his latest foray into mainstream movies in the new epic movie, "Beaches, Buns and Bikinis." Ron portrays a wise beach sage who owns the coolest hotdog stand on the sand and dispenses love advice to the young.