Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

This jerkoff Congressman from Missouri tried to explain Thanksgiving as the Pilgrims hurling off the tyrannical shackles of European socialism and inventing capitalism. Of course, I can't help but think wouldn't that mean they would've simply bought the turkey et al from the Indians and then sold it back to them for twice as much? An interesting take, for sure. Thinkprogress paries:
The real reason the Pilgrims came to the New World was to flee religious persecution. Thanksgiving is based around remembrance of the tale of how, in 1621, Native Americans helped the Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony survive harsh conditions by sharing their food with them. In other words, Thanksgiving is a parable about how people should take care of each other and not just look out for themselves.
But who's to say? Were you there? How do we KNOW that in the harsh, deadly times of that period the Pilgrims didn't hunker down in separate corners and create corporations to give tax breaks to and let the loser, non-bootstrap-pulling-up Pilgrims (aka "the LA Clippers of the New World) fucking freeze and starve to death? Who knows?

It's hard to say which is more likely: Akin is so fucking stupid that he genuinely doesn't know the story of Thanksgiving, or he's counting on his constituents to be. Ah well. Six fucking idiots in one hand, half a dozen in the other, right?

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Stupidity and mindless indoctrination know no bounds.