Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Finally Saw

Sarah Palin's Alaska. So now I give my review:

ALASKA: amazing. if you seriously think this is God's final frontier, I believe you. It's fucking amazing. Of course, you should keep in mind that I'm enjoying it through the eyes of millionaires, so.

SNIFFY: She's horrible. I'm sorry, but she's the faux-Heidi hardscrabble American Bald Eagle. Pretty much everything that comes out of her mouth is offensive. As an American, yes, she is offensive.

TODD: I got bad news for you, buddy. She's prolly been fucking around on you for about 7 years. You're an idiot.


For some reason, she has an incredible rapport with her daughter, Piper. Obviously she missed the boat with her sons, none of which we could pick out of a lineup, or Bristol, who decided to become a teenage whore, but when it comes to Piper Sniffy really clicks. Its makes you wish they'd spend less time pretending Sniffy knew about Alaska, and more time sitting around bullshitting. When it comes to Piper, Sniffy is great. To be honest, they're great when they're sitting around making cookies. Otherwise, she's a fucking waste.

Obviously, I'll watch this show about 9 more times.

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