Monday, November 22, 2010

I'll Still Love You Baby

My girlfriend in 9 1/2 hours has kicked off a rather dubious contest over at Sully:
Which prompts the thought of a contest: what is the worst pop song designed to reflect a profound moral conscience, a political cause, or a general form of celebrity-as-intellectual-activist? I.e. the smuggest, most pretentious pop song in history? We haven't had a contest in a while, so let's call this one "Shut Up And Sing." For the thing to work, we need you to provide a Youtube of the song - either music video or live performance. Group "We Are The World" efforts are not eligible.
While I love her tv show, I do not claim to listen to her music for even a split second.

But the idea of a 17 year-old girl in this day and age earnestly singing about serious shit is beyond absurd anyway.  Sing about tickle fights with your girls or how many dudes wanna sniff your hamper; leave the heavy stuff for a certain working class hero from New Jersey whom I will not name even though I have met him (don't even start with that shit - you KNOW I'm not spilling the the deets.)

The opposite, of course, is here.

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