Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm Such a Girl.

I caught myself watching A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion right now, and since I'm such a fucking pussy my waterworks are working double-time since not only is it the Waltons as filmed for tv in 1993, but it's set on the weekend JFK got shot in 1963, so there's some strange double-folding of sentiment making me act like a little girl. Grrrr. I'm too sentimental. Even when it comes to shows I don't fucking watch, I get all fucking choked up at the finales. Probably a good reason I never became a teacher - I'd prolly spend 24 hours a day boo-hooing into old yearbooks "oh, the Class of '02 - THAT was a special class BWWWWAAAAAAAHHHH!!!"

Fucking christ.

Anyway, I had no idea the tv series was based on a 1963 film, Spencer's Mountain. I also had no idea Earl Hamner, Jr is still alive. That, for some reason, is amazing to me.

Sigh. Also depressing: 1993 was 17 years ago.  Christ, Im a quivering mess of pathetic - look away!!!

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