Friday, November 12, 2010

Is This a Trick to Get All the Stupid People into One Room So We Can Bomb It?

Batshit University:
Earlier this week, Rep. Michele Bachmann announced her new Tea Party Caucus would host classes on the Constitution for Members of Congress taught by leading right-wingers.  Yet, while Bachmann initially floated Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia or Clarence Thomas as possible faculty, she now appears to be setting her sights a whole lot lower:

 If tea party darling Michele Bachmann gets her way, conservative broadcaster Sean Hannity, Fox legal analyst Andrew Napolitano and David Barton, a Christian evangelist who has said church-state separation is “a myth,” will make up the faculty roster when the first classes of her new constitutional conservative caucus convene in the next Congress. . . .
Wow. This makes my Almost Matters "The Harvard on the Appomattox" look like "Harvard." I'm looking forward to the yearly football game against Glenn Beck U.

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