Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Joe Scarborough

Is about to find himself Palin Scorched Earth.

But Scarborough writes that prospect is completely unfounded and faults Palin for comparing her resume, which now includes starring in a TLC reality show, to that of Ronald Reagan, the onetime Hollywood actor. Scarborough also isn't pleased Palin painted President George H.W. Bush and wife Barbara in a recent interview as out-of-touch "blue bloods."
"Perhaps her anger was understandable," a sarcastic Scarborough says. "After all, these disconnected "blue bloods" had nothing in their backgrounds that could ever make them understand "real America" like a former governor from Alaska who quit in the middle of her first term and then got rich.
"I suppose Palin's harsh dismissal of this great man is more understandable after one reads her biography and realizes that, like Bush, she accomplished a great deal in her early 20s. Who wouldn't agree that finishing third in the Miss Alaska beauty contest is every bit as treacherous as risking your life in military combat?" continued Scarborough, in reference to the elder Bush's tenure as combat pilot in World War II.

Adios, Joe. Was nice knowing you. I look forward to the effigy of Minka or Mika or whatever the name of that hot piece is that sits next to you swinging from a tree outside your office with a YOU ARE FUCKING WARNED note attached to it's chest with a dagger.

My favorite:
Palin has yet to respond to the comments.
I'm "guessing" we'll be greeted with a blistering 9000-word rant from Facebook by 3pm today.

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