Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Marvelous Marcus Dupree

I am miffed I missed the first 20 minutes of 30 on 30: The Best That Never Was. Any college football fan my age or older remembers the name Marcus Dupree like they remember folk heroes. Besides having the second best jerri-curl on the gridiron behind Eric Dickerson, we all remember his recruitment more than his career (the former was longer.)
"I'm still an Oklahoma guy. I wish I had stayed those last three years and won three national championships. It's the only thing I regret not doing.
"I should have listened to my mom."
Fascinating tale about a fascinating guy. Part Herschel, part Ricky Williams (what other college superstar can you imagine just wandering off and being in a missing persons report?), part Eric Dickerson (not just the locks.)

One thing I didn't imagine I'd hear was Barry Switzer and the OU coaches spending his first few games baffled re: how to use Marcus. Hmm. You just spent the state budget getting him to come play for you. How about you hand the ball to Marcus. He runs as far as he can. Then he comes back, and you give him the ball again. Rinse, lather, repeat!

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