Saturday, November 06, 2010


Monopoly set based on surviving ghetto life in Nazi-seized Czechoslovakia.

I should create a Monopoly based on my loft.

"Stuck in kitchen for 20 minutes while Frank blathers on like a crack-fueled Daffy Duck about nonsensical shit nobody on Earth remotely gives two shits about. Go back three spaces - scratch that, jump out the goddam window, you're fucked."

"3,288th straight day with no ladies in the loft. Please stop playing this fucking game."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must have mastered the look of sincerity while conveying an interest in what he had to say. Meanwhile, your feigned interest has resulted in pent up frustration and resentment which continues to irk you days after he has moved out. Surely Frank would have understood had you excused yourself.

" Excuse me Frank, I would love to talk to you more about this later, but I have to____________."

Don't do this again. Forgive old Frank and learn to be cordial but direct. :)