Saturday, November 20, 2010

Palin, Alaska, a Trailer Joke

One of the more interesting flat-out lies  things about the Sarah Palin Alaska show is she can't seem to go more than a few minutes without moaning "oh gee, why can't just stay here for the rest of our lives, enjoying the nature and tranquility?"

Of course, the joke here is that SHE CAN. Besides the fact that anyone in America has the freedom to live where they choose, she has more than enough money to live like a fucking queen in Alaska until the mothership comes to get her. Nobody's forcing her down to Satan's Unseemly Lower 48 - hell, FOX put a studio in her house. She could prolly buy the goddam state at this point and haul it down to D.C., plopping it down like the biggest double-wide trailer in the universe. I know part of the "schtick " of the show is to show how great Alaska is, which would of course mean pining for it, but it just comes off as horribly disingenuous here, aka her "default setting."

It's like the 90's, when grunge bands were forced by law to whine and bitch that they could give it all up to work anonymously in gas stations. Hey, guess what? You can.

ps - Sniffy: it'd be easier to believe you spend your non on-camera time wrestling bears and shooting rifles if your 9 year-old daughter couldn't do a spot-on imitation of you banging away on your Blackberry and ignoring everything/body else in sight. Just sayin.

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