Saturday, November 13, 2010

Paranoia Will Destroy Ya (You Betcha!)

From Sniffbook:
With all that is happening in the world I can’t believe the media is in a tizzy because SarahPAC’s last filing was off by a total of $25. Our treasurer and attorney report that our vendor who handles these calculations is re-looking at the figures to find out where the $25 glitch is in their system. Everything else in today’s very rudimentary and quite ordinary FEC inquiry letter has been answered. If anyone would care to look at other PACs, they’ll discover that they get these sorts of letter too and many of them much more frequently than SarahPAC. But, golly, sure glad the LSM (including KTUU in Anchorage) is on top of this “controversy”!
Of course, the media being in a "tizzy" about this apparently means "has not noticed," since the only place I can find this "story" is....Sniffy's Facebook page. Hmm.

And just in case she hasn't worked you into a full lather about the lamestream media destroying freedom, she posts HERE about the onslaught of hatin' that lamestream media is plying Real America with about her reality show. Except, of course, the show hasn't even aired yet. This play of pre-emptive defensiveness is like a battered wife who slaps herself around before her husband even comes home. It's as if she's saying "you can't fire me, I quit!", but what would someone like Sarah Palin possibly know about quitting? (cough.)

Hey, Sniffy - believe me, I'm pretty sure I'll think your show is a fucking joke, but at least give me the chance to SEE it first before putting the words into my mouth about how shitty it is, for chrissake. THAT'S the American way, dammit!

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