Sunday, November 07, 2010

Petty TV Bullshit

You know my stance on Tom Petty shows, yet for some reason I just landed on VH1 Classic and sat through that godawful You Don't Know How It Feels or whatever the fuck it's called, with that stupid bridge "so let's get to the point, let's roll another joint." But I noticed they bleeped out the word "joint." What the fuck is this for? Who do they think they're protecting - does VH1 really think there's some 10 year-old kid flipping around and thinks "say, here's a coupla geriatics sleeping through their set of mind-numbingly mid-tempo songs that while well-crafted, maddeningly raise no emotion in any direction in anybody, I think I'll stay on this channel and soak in every word this old, Laverne Defazio-looking skeleton sings"? Really? Fucking a. Other curious tv censoring HERE.

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