Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Sigh. (Facepalm)

In January '09 I wrote HERE about the possibility of Bush, with enough time, being looked back on as "likeable."

The smartest thing Bush did for a long time was stay away and shut the fuck up. Goof around in Dallas being rich, clear brush, whatever - he never wanted to be president anyway, so he could finally be happy. Claim to be some sort of silent, dignified elder statesman, fine.

But now he's putting out a book, which means he's gotta come out and talk, which means disaster for him. Yesterday was the Kanye/Katrina revelation, and today he tries to paint himself as a "dissenting voice in the Iraq War."  What's tomorrow -  he's Steve Bartman?

Nobody cares. Nobody wants to hear it from him; nobody is trying to pick his brain re: every move he made for 8 years. Let's not make the man out to be any more complicated than he proudly claimed to be - hell, he brayed like a donkey for 8 years that he made important decisions "from the gut!!", so why would anyone be interested in parsing his intellect at this point? How'd your gut feel here? How bout there? And here? How bout after that chili dog? Wow, that's fascinating!

Bush's presidency is such a blight that people aren't even interested in punishing him, they just wanna forget him (to his credit, he played the "5am whuppin card" - cap doffed, btw.) He's like the really great looking guy at the bar that's an idiot - the longer he keeps his mouth shut, the more likely he'll get laid. If he starts talking, bye bye snatchy. He is the living embodiment of that Mark Twain quote we all know. Stay away, shut the fuck up, and one day they'll forget how awful you were. WE WANT TO LIKE YOU, for fuck's sake!!!!

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