Saturday, November 20, 2010

Snifflaska Cont.

If you tried to explain every eyerolling-guffaw of Sniffy's Alaska show you'd need a whole flock of interns, so it's kinda pointless, but this does jump out at me - Todd "Daddy Grizzly"* Palin dropping some hot wisdom re: mingling with bears:

"You're in the bear's territory, so when they approach you close, you wanna get out of his way."

Oh REally?? Thanks Todd - a city slicker like me would probably brush the bear's shoulder walking by and then get up in his face all "oh, HELL no - esCUUUUSE me??!!!"

Ah, Todd: saving lives!

Bonus = is anybody else disappointed when Sniffy tells Willow she can't bring "Andy" up to her room she didn't throw a shit-fit "DAMMIT Mom, I'm not Bristol!!  I'm not a fucking whore!!!!! You hafta trust me, I'm not addicted to cock like her! I'm me, Willow Palin: nice to meetcha!!!" and tear off in a huff?

* "Da Grizz"

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