Monday, November 29, 2010

Snifflaska, Part XLII

FrumForum watches the greatest tv show ever so you don't have to.

This one catches my eye:
Update at 9:59pm
To wrap up the episode, Palin and Track decide to bond. Palin tries to make conversation and notes that this whole episode was just a regular Palin family 4th of July. (Salmon stew has always been on the menu in the Palin household!) Track doesn’t express agreement, and seems not to have gotten the memo that he is supposed to play along and seem as enthusiastic about the show as his mom is.
I noticed this while watching too, which brings up a more important point: is Palin even dumber than we actrually think?

TLC has basically laid out this tv series to give Sniffy free reign to control how the world sees her and her family, and yet in the editing room she didn't notice that when she made this remark to her son he looked like she had just cut one. Preening oblivion, awkwardly stuffed-in political lines and enabled self-centeredness are one thing, but again we see what should be most glaring about Sniffy: baseline incompetence.

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