Saturday, November 13, 2010

Speaking of 80's Music

The New York Times yesterday began sounding the alarm about the upcoming inevitable gentrification of Williamsburg. Which I thought had happened a few years ago. Hmm. Maybe I just don't really understand what "gentrification" is. But while I'm not your stereotypical "save the mom n pop shops!!" activist (sometimes those shops are shittier than the big companies, sometimes they're even bigger assholes, sometimes I just want 20 pairs of socks for $1, sometimes progress is inevitable, etc etc...), I'm a bit miffed that Duane Reade has placed ANOTHER Duane Reade a block from my house, which makes it two blocks away from the one they stuck a block from my house LAST year. That seems a bit much. Oh yeah, and the new one is right across from the pharmacy I actually like.

Hey, like I wrote earlier this year year, I gave Duane Reade a real try, and it fucking blew chunks.


Nice to see in reading the NYT article that I'm not the only one who digs the music they play at Kings Pharmacy, as at least two other people also mention it  :)

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