Tuesday, November 02, 2010


is, according to A Hamburger Today:
Spudrubble (spud' rubb uhl) - n. Unclaimed french fries at the bottom of a fastfood bag.
Um..."unclaimed"?...DIDN'T WE JUST FUCKING GO OVER THIS?!?!?!?!!

People are wearing me the fuck out today.


Anonymous said...

How would you know anything about being worn out? Try working for a living you fat,lazy turd.

Xmastime said...

well, i taught your mother a little something about the subject, didnt I?


Anonymous said...

How you gonna make it in the real world with such lame retorts? Now pull up your underpants, get off your a$$, and do something with your life. Shut up. Man up. Grow up.
Boom Nazi says "No boom for you!"