Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Tea Victory Party

Moi ICI:
This mythology that Tea Partiers are gonna get into DC and "fuck some shit up!!" because they're "real" is laughable.  How do we know this, you ask? Anybody remember the name Scott Brown? That's right, wasn't it only a few months ago that Scott Brown was gonna get to the Senate and change everything? Gee, what's happened since? Have you even heard his name once since then? Of course not. He's slipped very nicely into the warm, soothing bubble, very at home with the $14 tuna sandwiches and rounds of golf with hookers for caddies. I promise you Scott Brown will throw each and every Tea Partier that got him elected under the bus come 2013 to hold onto his job. Scott Brown will torch Fenway while sucking Derek Jeter's dick before he gives up his seat in the Senate. Hell, even someone as ambitiously intellectual as Barack Obama has allowed himself to sink comfortably into the default position of executive power Bush had set before him...and yet we're really supposed to believe that someone like Christine O'Donnell is going to make one bit of difference in DC? Really? Sharron Angle can't outwit the Arizona media, but she's going to waltz into DC and become the Congressional moving & shaking  LBJ of our day? Really?
About a year from now, unless they're completely full of shit ("NO!" in full-on Jiminy Glick voice) the Teabaggers should be FURIOUS!! at the TP'ers they've voted in that have immediately been co-opted by the GOP, slipping smoothly into that hot tub beside Ol' "No Trunks in the Hot Tub" Scotty Brown and deciding gee, these finger sandwiches ARE better than pretending to know the Constitution!!

And so THEN what happens? The next chance they get, are they gonna try to throw those guys out with an even BATSHITTIER group of candidates, ones that really WILL descend into DC and try to make Reagan Airport the national bird? I mean, can you already tell as you're reading this that my next question will be "how soon until we hear the words 'Ladies and Gentlemen, House Majority Leader Ron Artest...'"?

Hey look - it's Jiminy Glick!

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