Saturday, November 20, 2010


My knee has blown up for the first time in a while, which sucks cause it's Saturday night, which means I can't hit the town and do what I was put on this groovy Earth to do. So tonight, just this once, I am taking a night off and, just like everybody else right now, I'm leaning back listening to my credo below and imagining what I'd normally do doing right now in Manhanny: spinning like a Tazmanian Devil from club to club, leading the league in fist-pumping and droppin' Dom on the floor while pinging off one almost-nekked party girl into another like a horny pinball that don't even bother with h8ers.

The island is sad tonight, my friends. But hang in there, beautiful people - I go back to being The Whirling Dervish of Clubbing at this time, next week. For tonight, please, sit back in your chairs and fist-pump along with me to that magic sound of LIFE.

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